5 Myths About Dental Sedation

Dental sedation is a useful tool in the dental field to help patients feel relaxed, relieve pain, and make them feel more comfortable during any dental appointment. Sedation has a wide variety of uses that come in many forms, and can be administered to all kinds of patients. 

Unfortunately, common misconceptions about dental sedation have led to people avoiding this useful aid for patients with anxiety and other special needs. Read on in this blog from Arch Dental of West Hartford to learn fact from fiction when it comes to sedation myths.

1. All Sedation Is the Same

There’s a common misconception that the term ‘dental sedation’ refers solely to general anesthesia. This may cause patients to believe that any type of sedation is referring to the most intense sedative that puts you into a state of unconsciousness. 

However, four types of sedation are commonly used in dentistry. These sedatives are nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, IV sedation, and general anesthesia. Of all of these types, general anesthesia is less common because it carries the highest risk and is typically reserved for complex procedures like general anesthesia.

2. Sedation Is Dangerous

While anytime you undergo dental sedation, you incur some level of risk, just as you do with the ingestion of any medication, the fact remains that in the vast majority of cases, people are good candidates for sedation and will not run into any problems. 

When sedation is administered by a trained, qualified, and experienced dentist, it is considered highly safe with a very low risk of complications. Not all sedatives are equal, so nitrous oxide, which is the mildest sedative, is much milder than deep sedatives like IV and general anesthesia. 

As a result, more people will be suitable for this type of sedation and it is associated with much fewer risks. This is why we always review your medical history before approving you for a type of sedation.

3. Sedation Is Only for Adults

This is false! Dental sedation is perfectly suitable for children, teenagers, and adults depending on their medical history. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is the most commonly used sedative on children due to its mild and safe concentration. 

Children can also be good candidates for deeper sedation after we have reviewed their medical history. When children need to undergo oral surgery, IV sedation or general anesthesia may be used.

4. Anyone Can Be Sedated

Not everyone is considered a good candidate for dental sedation. We first need to review your medical history to determine if you have certain medical conditions which can affect your breathing. We also need to know if you take certain medications that can interfere with the sedative or if you have any allergies. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are not recommended for sedation unless it is medically necessary.

5. Sedation Is Only Used for Invasive & Complex Procedures

While sedation is commonly used for invasive and complex procedures like oral surgery, that doesn’t mean that’s the only situation it is applicable. Many people are unaware that patients can get sedated for any dental treatment, no matter how minor or routine it is. 

Patients with dental anxiety can experience extreme stress and negative emotion during something as small as a routine cleaning. We want you to be as comfortable as possible so you aren’t discouraged from getting the dental care that you need. This is why sedation is always available to you at Arch Dental of West Hartford.

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